baseball training

Baseball Hitting Mechanics: 5 Steps to Winning the Battle

Baseball Hitting Mechanics 5 Steps to Winning the Battle Have you ever been left wondering how other batters manage to hit sweet line drives beyond the outfield with seemingly little effort?  The answer? Is proper hitting mechanics. It’s true that as batters, we all want to achieve maximum velocity but this comes down to much …

Baseball Hitting Mechanics: 5 Steps to Winning the Battle Read More »

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7 Different Types of Baseballs You Can Use: BUT, #7 Is Controversial…

Although seemingly simplistic and less fancy than the bat or glove, the baseball ball has great significance in the game in terms of form and function. After all, the game’s name derives from the ball itself. There are different types of baseball balls that are designed primarily based on their intended use.  The baseball ball …

7 Different Types of Baseballs You Can Use: BUT, #7 Is Controversial… Read More »