baseball rules

Pine Tar in Baseball

Pine Tar in Baseball: What Is It? Why Use It? And Is It Legal?

As a baseball fan, you’re bound to have heard the mention of pine tar at some point, you may even have used it yourself. But what is it and what advantages does it provide in baseball? In a nutshell, pine tar is a dark-colored, thick, and sticky liquid that is produced from burning pine roots. …

Pine Tar in Baseball: What Is It? Why Use It? And Is It Legal? Read More »

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Baseball vs Softball: Explaining The Differences…

There are different types and variations of traditional bat-and-ball games, with their basic premise involving a game play between two opposing teams that take turns to play offense (batting) and defense (‘balling’ or pitching). Early bat-and-ball games can be dated as far back as the 13th century.  Baseball and softball are two of the most …

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What is a Balk in Baseball? A Pitchers Game in Deception…

Every sport has a set of rules, that when violated, result in actionable consequences. There are a number of illegal actions that can occur in baseball, one of which is the ‘Balk’. A Balk is an illegal pitch where the pitcher executes an intentional deception to trick the hitter or runner. Essentially, the pitcher pretends …

What is a Balk in Baseball? A Pitchers Game in Deception… Read More »